Monday 20 May 2013

Happy Birthday Ted and Stik Class made my day.

 Happy Birthday beautiful Martha Rose :) 21 is well old. I miss you and can't wait to see you over this side of the world.

Any kind of posts/ comments are very welcome and lovely lovely to read so don't hold back :) Thank you for all your messages it's great to hear about life back home. We miss and love you all tonnes. Today I managed to call the kids (and adults) at school and it made my day, so thank you Stik class; you are as always awesome magnificent and amazing and I miss you all very much. You sound very grown up and I'm glad to hear you're taking care of the adults. I heard Spiderman hamster went to Ireland to get married? Maybe he'll stay there with his new family. He might come back but I guess he'll look a bit different, that's normal. I'll let you know if he turns up here.