Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Shimla and the Toy Train...Shimla i kolejka waskotorowa

The Ridge. This is the hub of tourist activity in Shimla, you can take a horse ride along the twenty metre stretch and back. Another novel way to terrify children.  Na wierzcholku gory w Shimla, glowny deptak zapelniony indinskimi turystami, mozna pojezdzic na super wychudzonym koniku, kolejna okazja by zobaczyc przerazone dzieci.

We're going to start charging for photos. Punjabis in particular love to have their photo taken with us; must be Bartosz's 'beautiful beard'.  Chyba zaczniemy pobierac oplaty za zdjecia z nami, co chwila ktos chcial byc naszym nowym przyjacielem i zatrzymac pamiatke.... Zoe uwaza, ze to przez moja "piekna brode".

Shimla is built over about five different levels on the side of a hill. Our first experience of the city was climbing up through all of them. Lots of sets of crazy steep stairs; and check out the monkeys on the electrical wires.  Shimla sklada sie z pieciu poziomow na zboczu gory. Po przyjezdzie pierwsze co, to musielismy wdrapac sie na sama gore, pokonujac niezliczona ilosc stromych schodow (wjazd samochodem zabroniony). Do okola malpy przeskakiwaly z budynku na budynek lub wisialy na kablach...

We loved how colourful everything was here- all bubbles and balloons.  Bylo przekolorowo....
It's fun to stay at the... Zatrzymalismy sie w .....

Ronnie Rocket.

Vs. John Virgo.

Tu tez powyzej 2000m npm, ciagle glowy w chmurach.

'The Greatest Magic Show in the World'. It was amazing in so many ways. Definitely one of the funniest things I've ever seen. The soundtrack included 'Jingle Bells' and the light show was almost as good as the Travelling Billberets'.  "Najwybitniejszy Pokaz Magii na Swiecie" taki byl tytul.... Ja bym powiedzial najzabawniejszy. Muzyka z popularnych piosenek wigilyjnych, swiatla jak z wiejskiego disco, ubaw po pachy.... Przedstawienie trwa okolo dwie godziny, my mielismy dosc po 20-30min.
Najwiekszy mag....

How does he do it? Jak on to robi?

This is the postcard view of Shimla; the main church on The Ridge. Pocztowka z widokiem Shimla, kosciol na szczycie....

Monkeys, monkeys everywhere. If you leave the window open in your room you can see all the monkeys nearby suddenly swinging and climbing down to try and get in. Needless to say we set up our own monkey protection unit; namely Bartosz and a flamethrower. They can be pretty vicious.  Malpy byly wszedzie. Jesli oworzysz okno, malpy w mgnieniu oka ruszaja na przelaj, i mozesz liczyc na wizyte. My mielismy dobrego odstraszacza, czyli miotacz ognia z dezodorantu (zadne zwierze nie ucierpialo).

Smashed it. Ta tablica podawala w jakim czasie powinno sie wejsc na gore do swiatymi malp. My oczywiscie zrobilismy miazge z tych czasow...

Bartosz and his monkey stick. It only costs 10 rupees to rent, which we thought wasn't bad, until we realised the walk to the temple was through a forest. Po drodze mozna bylo zaopatrzyc sie w kija, tylko 10rupii za wynajem, myslelismy, ze to spoko cena, lecz pozniej weszlismy do lasu.....

Kolejna grupowa fotka z turystami....
Hanuman- the Indian monkey God. Hanuman - indyjski malpi bog...

Kij byl potrzebny by trzymac malpich zlodzieji na odleglosc, niektore samce byly troche agresywne....

Monkey baby!

Entrance to the Hanuman Temple.

'Clouds so swift, rain won't lift.' After two days and nights of thunderstorms we decided it was time to leave the mountains. Po dwuch burzowych dniach i nocach zadecydowalismy by opuscic gory....
The toy train to Kalka. Kolejka do Kalka.

This is the train station for Sanwara, which is the village where my Great Great Grandma went to school. It's as close as we could get, but hopefully one day we'll be back. Stacja we wiosce Sanwara, to tu Zoe praprababcia chodzila do szkoly. Przy nastepnej okazji pojdziemy zwiedzic szkole....

So we ended up leaving the mountains in a bit of a hurry. I don't know exactly how much news you guys back home are getting about the landslides and storms in the mountains here, but it's pretty bad. They've dubbed it the Himalayan Tsunami. The local governments of Himachal pradesh and Uttarakhand say there have been 10,000 deaths so far, but the central Indian government are refusing to accept this figure and are issuing reports of around 2,000. 2,100 villages have been destroyed and thousands of people (mainly locals) are still stranded. We've met a few people with horror stories who've been flown out by helicopter. Sounds pretty hardcore; 300 people fighting to get on a 24-seater helicopter which comes once a day. We read in the newspapers today that there are fears that the stranded and starving horses and donkeys will soon turn on humans...not sure about that one. Anyway information is mixed and unreliable so we decided to come back to the plains for a bit.
We are back in Delhi now and enjoying having time to explore the city properly. Temperature here is about 40 during the day and 30 at night. I know I shouldn't complain but sometimes I really want to. We've both got the standard Delhi belly and unfortunately I'm allergic to the antibiotics that cure it- had the mother of all rashes for a while. All is good now though and we are well again and had a big breakfast today to celebrate. Biggest news though is that we have booked a flight to Kuala Lumpur and fly on the 7th of July, so now we are dreaming of tropical islands and snorkeling (can you get a helmet for that?). Looking forward to all the new sights, sounds and colours that are sure to come with a new country and new skies. Lots and lots of love to you all back home. We miss and think of you always.
Zdecydowalismy opuscic pochmurne i deszczowe gory, zwlaszcza, ze sytuacja pogodowa sie pogarsza i wzrasta niebezpieczenstwo obsowania sie ziemi. Nie wiemy ile slyszeliscie o powodziach w Uttarakhand i Himachal. Jak donosza zrodla z zagrozonych terenow okolo 10000 luzdi zabitych, lecz urzedy panstwowe mowia, ze tylko2000. Ponad 2000 wiosek zostalo zniszczonych, i tysiace mieszkajacych tam ludzi zostalo uwiezionych (glownie lokalni mieszkancy). Poznalismy kilku ludzi ktorzy mieli zaszczyt przezyc horror, uwiezieni gdzies w gorach bez kontaktu ze swiatem, bez zywnosci, wody musieli walczyc z reszta ludnosci (okolo 300 osob) o miejsce w helikopterze, ktory przylatywal raz dziennie i mogl zabrac tylko 24. Wyczytalismy tez w gazecie, ze istnieje rowniez niebezpieczenstwo ze strony uwiezionych tam koni i oslow, ktore niedozywione i wydziczale atakuja ludzi (ale to chyba jakis dowcip).
W tej chwili jestesmy z powrotem w Delhi, moze teraz uda nam sie zwiedzic troche to miasto. Temperatura w dzien 40+ w nocy 30+, czyli cieplutko. Oby dwoje cierpimy z powodu jakiegos zatrucia pokarmowego, Zoe jest dodatkowo uczulona na antybiotyk ktory nam dano i ktory powinnien pomoc, i pokryla sie swedzaca wysypka. W tej chwili jest juz w pozadku i dzisiaj uczcilismy to wielkim sniadaniem...
Mamy juz bilety na samolot, ktory 7go zabieze nas do Kuala Lumpur, a skad udamy sie na tropikalne wyspy, juz teraz marzymy o nich... Juz nie mozemy sie doczekac, kiedy znajdziemy sie w nowym otoczeniu, pelnym czekajacych na nas przygod i doswiadczen...
Pozdrawiamy wszystkich z calych sil, do zobaczenia w krodce...


  1. Hi Sweethearts, another fabulous set of images, love the fat controller and the pink sky, the bubbles and balloons and the idea of renting sticks is wonderful. Just a couple of things...in the third picture in the billiard hall, I don't know if you noticed but Bartosz picks up the ball and hits it with a small bat! Is this Polish rules or just plain cheating eh? I'm glad in a way that you take your helmet off every time you have your photo taken so we can see your face but hope you whip it back on quick after. Meanwhile here in the old country life goes on...took Steve to see Johnny Rotten (PIL) ...fab it was. I was with Michael Gove's PPS (I thought this meant afterthought but I think it means parliamentary private secretary!) he did a bit before I spoke and he left clutching free copies of all my books and some project X with precise instructions to get them on Gove's desk...The bastards aren't even on page one...its just tinkering......off to Spain next week.. got a new writing project to start!...and be nice to spend sometime with BenandPheebs before they come back to UK....Kates very well...she's slotting some time in in France with her friend...and we're both looking forward to Edinburgh... .Glastonbury seemed to manage without us...Kuala Lumpar eh? The very name conjures up such an exotic picture ..enjoy the rest of your stay in Delhi, sorry you were poorly sweetheart..feel absolutely free to complain my love...its in the blood, so too is antibiotic poisoning by the way...In mojacar once my tongue went the colour of traffic lights...it was touch and go for a while (there's a joke there somewhere)...diagnosis was I'd been taking too many...you did get checked out after yes? It is really special that you sit down and share all of this ..It's brilliant love...take care and speak soon xxxx love you millions daddy

  2. I really wish I’d been at the magic show – I hope you picked up some good ideas. And I’m really glad you’ve managed to enjoy Delhi a bit better. What sights you’ve seen.
    I wanted to tell you how the parcel was such a hit on many levels ~ like
    1). That it was in itself a piece of artistic endeavour of incredible seamstress/mastership skill.
    2). That it elicited comment and admiration from the postman who delivered it
    3). That it had attracted the interest (&no doubt admiration too) of HM customs who had opened, inspected and restored it to its former glory, hopefully suitably bemused. (There was a sticker on it saying all this)
    4). That it contained wonders and fabulousness
    5). And that it finally gave great excitement to my friend who gathers stamps for resale by Oxfam – there being so very many of them!
    So thank you! Enjoy the flower market at Kolkota – watch out for donkeys looking peckish.
    Much love to both, Kate X

  3. Hello monkey travellers...glad you bought a monkey basher before you walked through a forest...very cute salesman that one...Shimla looked amazingly enough just as I imagined it...only better and in truth it has probably not changed that much since my Grandmas day..I am so glad you got there and Sanwara...that is the station Gma used to get off the train to walk up to her school which was /is? in the foothills. Mum did not see the Shimla photos on Sunday but she did see all the others. She looked at them with Pip and it was a truly lovely hour as they both knew where the pictures were without looking at the captions. They were enthralled and spent a lovely hour together...talking about their own experiences of India and Mum talking about her family....so thank you so very much my loves for giving two old people a real treat. I have many misgivings about the Internet but this blog is fantastic.. No real news here that you do not already know..still waiting for the final Ofsted report..going to garden this coming week end and rest up and decide what to do with my summer....think it may be pottering and Edinburgh.....everyone sends their love especially Nanna....Moan as much as you like and be sure to take all of the antibiotics etc. Caroline's son Johnny went to malaysia and said it was his favourite place...I am sure you will have an amazing. Envy you the snorkelling. Enough of my ramblings...just want to say love and miss you both so much. Keep travelling monkey people and try and enjoy your last few days in India before marvellous Malaysia.......love you the most, enormous hugs, snugs and cuddles and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Kochani, dzieki czestym kontaktom jestesmy z wiesciami o Was na biezaco, ale fotki je bardzo wzbogacily. Upalow macie dosc i czas od nich odpoczac nad szumiacym oceanem... My cieszymy sie naszymi wnukami i ich zabawa w ogrodku na linach, drabince i trapezie zawieszonych na drzewku czeresni pelnym slodziutkich owocow. W tym roku wyjatkowo owoce sa czysciutkie bez mszyc i nawet osy i szpaki nie atakuja. Zapraszamy znajomych na zbiory, ktore sa bardzo obfite. Mamy nadzieje ze pokonaliscie juz paskudne bakterie, ktore zatruly Wam troche zycie. Za piec dni lecie do Malezji, wiec czekaja Was nowe wrazenia i niespodzianki - oby tylko mile. Powodzenia!!! Sciskamy Was z calych sil. Kochajacy rodzice z Polunia i Kacperkiem, babcia i grudziadzka rodzinka

  5. Halo!
    Himalaje, Himalaje i po Himalajach :)
    Wszędzie dobrze ale w Malezji najlepiej :)

    To powodzenia i czekamy na dalsze wieści!

    Bye bye!

  6. No jak to, nie wiecie:) robią sobie z Wami zdjęcia, bo nóż widelec będziecie sławni:))) albo historię dorobią sobie później:) jak z tymi szalejącymi i atakującymi końmi - widać to taki naród produktywny w imaginacji:))).
    Góra przypomina mi zakopiańską gubałówkę... niestety - podobieństwo - masę ludu i koniki:)
    Przy okazji Zakopanego, to przypomniał mi się żart - facet przytulając się do swojej wielkiej żony - zdejmij ten krzyż, czuję się jak pod Giewontem.
    No cóż może mało śmieszne, ale jakoś śmiesznie, to sobie wyobrazić.
    U nas piękna pogoda. Niedługo będę miała urlop i mam nadzieję, że się nie skiepści. Wam życzę pomyślnych wiatrów:) i to takich bez konsekwencji :)) z łacińska zwanych diarrhoea. No i przy okazji zacytuję coś, co mnie rozbawiło:
    "Każdy dzień niedyspozycji z powodu biegunki podróżnych generuje rocznie 500 mln USD strat dla samego przemysłu turystycznego." więc pamiętajcie, nie przyczyniajcie się do powiększania strat przemysłu turystycznego!!!!


  7. Hello cuties, miss you both lots, keep up the blogging, Phoebe xx

  8. Hello you globe trotting pair,you could well be in the air as l write this heading off for your tropical islands.I have to say Holmfirth, at this moment, could well pass for tropical but unfortunately lacks the sound of the sea rolling and splashing on white sands.
    There's something going on down at Sands so along with the glorious sunshine l can hear voices and music, ah well !!
    Rebecca and Charlie are back, they've had a wonderful time. They came here on Friday to show me their photos and videos. Colourful, but in a completely different way to yours.
    Enjoy,enjoy and l am really looking forward to your next photo diary.
    Lots of love, Lesley xxxxxx
