Thursday, 20 June 2013

Srinigar- Dharamkot

Dal Lake and the infamous houseboats. Jezioro Dal, zawalone domami na barkach.

The promenade.

The road to Dharamsala- through the paddy fields.

W drodze do Dharamsala, Cala dolina to jedno wielkie pole ryzowe.

Cricket bat factory. Fabryka kijow do kryketa.

'Titanic View Point'.

Przydrozny prysznic, uzywany glownie przez kierowcow ciezarowek...

Droga przez Kaszmir Byla niesamowita, nie moglem sie oderwac od okna... No i wreszcie na asfalcie...

The road through the hills of Kashmir was unbelievably green  and much more comfortable than the Manali-Leh highway. I never appreciated tarmac before.
This is the village of Dharamkot;  it's about 2 or 3 km above McleodGanj and Dharamsala. We've been staying in a small guest house up on the hill, right next to the forest.  Amazing scenery (when you can see it) and no cars allowed- so a rest from all that honking.
Wioska Dharamkot, umiejscowiona 2-3 km pod gorke od Dharamsala. Dobre miejsce by odpoczac od tloku i chalasu (zakaz wjazdu dla samochodow). Mamy tu pokoj w domu goscinnym, na gorce pod lasem. Czesto dumamy tu w chmurach.
The valley can fill with clouds in about ten minutes.

The walk down to McleodGanj. Spacerek do McleodGanj.

Gorilla in the mist.Goryle we mgle, w lesie z Twin Peaks

Central McleodGanj; very busy at the weekends. Ulice w centrum zatloczone indyjskimi turystami...

Z oddali wyglada duzo lepiej- uciekamy na wioche...

Monkey business.

First of all; congratulations to my amazing little sister, we are so proud of you and we can't think of anyone who deserves it more. After a spectacular drive through Moon Valley (sorry no photos- we couldn't take a photo that did it justice) and  the amazing calm of Leh, we found Srinigar a bit intense. It was really interesting though to see where Indians like to holiday; lots of balloons and candyfloss! We stayed a night and then drove through the amazing valleys of Kashmir- full of fruit, monkeys, and rivers. We stayed a night in hectic Dharamsala (with lots of jumping flies and a lovely smell of pee to wake us up early) and then escaped to the mountains. Bartosz's friend has a small coffee place here in Dharamkot and we've spent the week relaxing and exploring the hills around the lovely village. We're staying right by the forest and Bartosz has been making friends with Bambi through the bathroom window and monkeys on the balcony. Thank you for all your messages and love. Heard the sun is finally out in England so hurray for you all. Enjoy it while it lasts. Lots of love hugs and kisses to everyone back home.
Po opuszczeniu Leh, udalismy sie droga na zachod, w kierunku Srinigar. Przekroczylismy kilka nie wysokich przeleczy, oraz wiele dolin, jedna z nich to Moon Valley (ksierzycowa dolina), Tak nas zamurowalo, ze nawet nie zrobilismy zadnych zdjec, widoki jak z ksiezyca... W Srinigar zaraz po opsszczeniu busika zostalismy molestowani przez lokalnych sprzedawcow, wlascicieli lodzi, by wlasnie z nimi pojsc- najlepiej takich ignorowac, ale i tak cisnienie wzrasta. Samo miasto zatloczone turystami, nic szczegulnego, oprucz domow na barkach. Ucieklismy po jednym dniu i jednej nocy... W drodze do Dharamsla znowu przepiekne doliny kaszmiru... Po drugiej podrozy wyladowalismy na miejscu okolo polnocy... Noc spedzilismy w malym hotelu w centrum (nie mielismy zadnego wyboru), obudzily nas muchy, smrod i trabienie samochodow, nastapila szybka ucieczka w gory. W Dharamkot znalezlismy pokoik pod lasem z widokiem na cala doline oraz sarny i malpy, jest tu zielono i spokojnie. Znajoma z Londynu ma tu maly Bar, takaze odwiedzilismy Ja. Paletamy sie tu troche po okolicznych sciezkach...
Pozdrawiamy wszystkich serdecznie i dziekujemy za wszystkie wiadomosci....
Zyczymy Wam cieplego lata.....