Kolkata; the city of big yellow taxis. |
Bardzo ciekawa architektura budynkow. We loved the architecture of Kolkata. |
W Indiach wszystko mozliwe. Tu drzewa przejely budynki, zajefajnie. Incredible India- where anything is possible. Love how trees have taken over the buildings. |
Kozy na glownej ulicy... Goats on the main road. |
Super tostownica, tez chce taka. The best toaster in the world- India's version of eggs and bread. |
Produkcja smazonych slodkosci Jalebei. |
Zoe ulubionych slodyczy. My favourite sweet- Jalebei. |
Techno party. Pamietacie piosenke YMCA- Village people, to jeden z nich. So that's what happened to the Village People. |
Tramwaje, tory byly dosyc pogiete, cud, ze one funkcjonuja. We saw the tram lines before we saw the trams and assumed that they were no longer running. Proven wrong again by incredible India. |
Prysznic, wodopoj i zmywalnia naczyn na ulicy. They have water fountains all over Kolkata- used for everything; washing dishes, drinking and showering. |
Zajelo nam troche czasu znalezienie rynku kwiatowego. The flower market! Took a while to find but was totally worth it. |
We really enjoyed Kolkata and it was a great way to spend our last couple of days in India. Finally we are saying goodbye to this incredible country. It's been an amazing journey of ups and downs, ups and downs. We've met some lovely people and seen some beautiful places. There have been times when the amount of humanity and its inevitable effects have been completely overwhelming and times when we have never felt such peace.
We arrived late last night in Kuala Lumpur and are already enjoying the relative calm and freshness of a new country, food and culture. Spent the day exploring the city and loved it. We'll head to the islands soon to get some real chill time. Thank you for all the messages and lots of love and kisses to everyone back home.
Z przyjemnoscia spedzilismy nasze ostatnie dni pobytu w Indiach, w miescie Kalkuta. I szczesliwi mowimy Dowidzenia do tego zadziwiajacego kraju w ktorym przezylismy niesamowita przygode. Byly gorki i doliny, poznalismy wspanialych ludzi i odwiedzilismy cudowne miejsca. Przezylismy momenty w ktorych Indie i ich mieszkancy nieodwracaline odcisnely na nas swoje pietno, oraz chwile w ktorych pozwolily nam sie kompletnie zrelaksowac i poczuc wolnym.
Wczoraj w nocy wylondowalismy w Kuala Lumpur i odrazu z przyjemnoscia korzystamy ze spokoju i swierzosci nowego kraju, kultury oraz wspanialego jedzenia. Caly dzien spedzilismy na szwedaniu sie po miescie, a geby nie przestawaly nam sie usmiechac. Wkrotce wyruszymy na wyspy by wyluzowac calkowicie.
Dziekujemy wszysykim za wszystkie wiadomosci i slemy morze milosci i buziakow.