Czy w ta czy w tamta, i tak za krotkie. Any way you look at it, the beds are not Basrtosz sized. |
Pewnie, ze sie da naprawic, wystarczy tylko skoczyc. Reckon I could fix this with a bit of jumping; known in the trade as 'cold setting'. |
To jest to o czym przewodniki nie mowia, nie dlugo te wspaniale Indie zatona w morzu.... Not one for the Lonely Planet guide books. |
'If she weighs the same as a duck...' |
Mukjheree Ganj. |
Tak zwany Raj Path (droga krola) w oddali wielka brama Idni i park. Raj Path and the India Gate. |
Deszcz monsunowy, przyniosl troszke swiezosci. Monsoon rains bring a welcome relief. |
Roboty na wysokosci, najwazniejsze jest przestrzeganie przepisow BHP, zwlaszcza na koleji. |
Martwy klapek nie ma szans przy zmasowanym ataku much. Bartosz's shoes are the main attraction for the Delhi flies. |
W naszym hotrlu mozna zjesc pijacego kurczaka, oraz wypic kutasa. It's amazing what you can get sent to your room. |
Brama Indi. |
Oraz park w okolicy. Local children swimming in the pool by India Gate. |
Ladny park, szkoda tylko, ze wyglada jak na wysypisku. |
Sa nawet smietniki, niestety nie ma chetnych do ich uzywania... |
The Raj Path park is a great hang our for everyone in the evenings; icecreams, balloons, cricket and cherry picking. |
Palac ministrow rzadu. Government buildings and green grass! |
A malpy ida na wlam. |
Orly koluja nad wierza palacu ministrow. Eagles circle the tower and swoop down to drink from the fountains. |
Hey astounding photographs.......and very humorous captions Zo-Bo -humanity heaving and hustling around Dehli...looks wonderful...but can see how it could also be totally overwhelming and exhausting to be the bike and Bratosz could make a fortune there saving, repairing and making bikes and you both so much and so proud of you both for being able to withstand and enjoy such an amazingly diverse and sometimes I expect traumatic you both