Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Pangong Lake (4300m), Hemis and Thiksey...

Wild yak and cashmere goats on the road to Pangong lake. W drodze do jeziora Pangong, niesamowite widoki, jaki i kozy, dzikie konie...

Nie odbylo sie bez pany....

Slone jezioro Pangong na granicy Indii i Chin.
The lake is so big that one end of it is in India and other end is in China!

The super skimmer. Wprawa w puszczaniu kaczek pozostala...

By far the coldest and cleanest swim ever- even beats Windemere in February.

Nie moglismy sie powstrzymac by wskoczyc do przeczystego jeziora, woda byla niesamowicie zimna, jak to na ponad 4300m npm.

I slonce pieklo tu tez niemilosiernie.

Alonzo zrezygnowal po zamoczeniu kulek.

Mumbai Indians versus the rest of the world. The most breathtaking game of cricket in the world. Runs are difficult at 4300m- it's best to go for a six!

Mieszanka kryketa z basbolem, doslownie odbierala nam dech w piersiach...

Fail. Porazka.

Hemis Temple- the largest monastery in Ladakh.  Najwieksza swiatynia w Ladakh.

Monks practising for the Hemis festival next week. Mnisi cwicza tance przed festiwalem, ktory odbedzie sie za tydzien...

Thiksey Temple.

We are having such an amazing time in the Ladakh region; the people are so friendly and can't do enough to help you. The scenery is absolutely incredible and the skies are the bluest and starriest we've ever seen. A big thank you to Alex (Doctor Shakira), Max (Rafa) and Moses for sharing this beautiful landscape with us and making it such fun; we wish you a safe journey home and look forward to visiting you in Barcelona. Eat a massive steak and some paella for us please. Alonso; we expect to see you in Europe sometime, but first good luck with your exams and we hope all your dreams come true. If we had a vote we'd vote for you. To everyone back home, we are happy, relaxed and healthy and we miss and love you millions.                         

Przez ostatnich kilka dni podziwiamy kraine Ladakh. Poznajemy przemilych ludzi, ktorzy az sie pala z pomoca we wszystkim, mamy wspaniale widoki na otaczajace nas gory i zielone doliny( zielone dzieki ludziom ktorzy wlozyli mase pracy w systemy nawadniajacych kanalow). Niebo w dzien ma super blekitny kolor, a w nocy  pokryte jest milionami gwiazd. Jestesmy tu bardzo szczesliwi, az tracimy oddech czasem. pozdrawiamy rodziny i wszystkich przyjaciol.

Monastery Marathon- Alchi, Likir, Basgo...

Literally phenomenal; the parked car rolled backwards up the hill! Magnetyczne pole- przyciagnelo pod gorkie  samochod.

Where the Indus meets the Zanskar. Zanskar(ta kremowa) wplywa do Indusa

The beautiful village of Alchi. Przepiekna wioska Alchi.

Inside the temple we were lucky enough to hear the older monks sing, pray and play music. The younger monks seemed a little less impressed and sat in the back and giggled whilst turning straws into microphones. Mielismy niesamowite szczescie, wewnatrz swiatyni mnisi modlili sie spiewajac i grajac( cos jak jazz).Mlodzi mnisi sie troszke nudzili  i na koncu sali wygupiali sie , przerabiali slomki na sluchawki z mikrofonami...

As long as it spins (clockwise). Aby sie krecilo....

Alonso- future president of India. Alonzo przyszly prezydent Indi...

The team- thanks for the photo Alex.


Przepiekne malowidla na scianach, im dluzej patrzysz wym wiecej widzisz....

Amazing wall paintings- the longer you look, the more you see.

We loved the wide range of offerings; money, lollipops, bananas, coca cola and chocolate bars. Datki skladane dla mnichow,

View from the roof of Likir monastery. Widok z swiatyni Likir.

Likir's 80ft Buddha.   24 metrowy budda.

Burnt lips. Spalone wary, tu slonce nie ma litosci jesli zapomiales kremu...

Basgo monastery.

Such an amazing secluded place. We listened to the most beautiful singing and I've never felt so calm. Niezwykle miejsce, niemal opustoszale, tylko mnich gral na bebenkach i spiewal w ciemnosci swiatyni, niezapomiane przezycie... 

Ekipa wesolego dzippa.
Another nice photo from Alex.
The three monkeys. Trzy malpy....

River crossing. Most w remoncie.... Na przelaj...