Friday, 9 August 2013


Podaroj sobie o drobinke luksusu... Fully anticipating Bangkok to be a stressful city we treated ourselves to two nights of luxury.

Wczesny prezent urodzinowy Zoe. It was an early birthday present from Bartosz; thank you, you are the bestest.

Bangkok at night- seems the best time to explore. Just as busy but not so hot.

Bangkok noca tak samo zatloczony jak i w dzien...

Nie ma jak to salatka z surowego tunczyka po japonsku- nie pozalowali chilli, ogien w gebie- smakowitosci... Delicious Japanese tuna salad. 

Chyba lekko przesadzilismy, lecz apetyty byly wilcze...Bartosz looking as if we might have ordered too much. Never.

Turystyczna mekka- uciekamy stad jak najszybciej... Khao San Road. Awful, awful street.

Podrasowane motoriksze, Co za tłumiki- grzmia niezle.

Z swiatyni zlotego buddy. The Golden Buddha Temple.

Ale dzwon! What a bell!

No i zloty chlopak budda. Nam udalo sie wejsc za darmo, bylo troszke pod prad, tak przypadkowo, nie zauwazylismy znakow, tym samym, nasze klapki prawie wyladowaly na smieciach. We accidentally got in for free and nearly had our shoes swept into a bin- must read signage more carefully.

Co kraj to nowa czapka. New country, new hat.

Dzieci w sznureczku opuszczaly swiatynie  (byly ich setki, o czym my nie wiedzielismy), zdecydowalismy sie im ustapic, przez co stalismy przez okolo 3ech minut czekajac na przejscie, przez moment myslelismy, ze one tak chodza w kolo, a my jestesmy w ukrytej kamerze. We decided to let the children go first before we tried to cross the steps. It took so long (there were hundreds of them) we thought they might have been walking round the temple in a circle, either that or we were on a hidden camera show.

Lubie te robote.

Wielki markiet w chinskiej dzielnicy. Great market in China Town.

Smelly durian.

Na pletwe rekina!

To wszystko bylo jeszcze zywe. Live prawns with blue legs!

Feeling snap happy.

A tu juz wysuszone.

Dried squids and prawns...

Pickled sea slugs.

Chcialem sie napic, dostalem w worku. Bartosz bagged himself a drink.

Park sportu. Super! Tylko my spacerowalismy. The park was full of people exercising- even very old people.

Everyone was at it- these men are playing keep it up with a hollow bamboo ball.

Bird, bird, bird, bird is the word.

Palac ze spiacym budda, a my zaspalismy i dotarlismy tu juz po zamknieciu, moze nastepnym razem sie uda. The palace of the sleeping Buddha. It took us too long to get there and it was closed but we plan to go back.

Mam Cie na oku!

Widok na Bangkok z okna naszego hotelu z 9tego pietra. The view of Bangkok from our room.

Pociag do Chaing Mai. Train to Chiang Mai.

Powoli zblizamy sie... Nearly there.

A tak to sie robi dwa poslania... That's how to make a bed. This guy was awesome. Very smiley and lovely (like all the Thai people we've met so far).

We arrived in Chiang Mai yesterday and it is as beautiful as everyone says it is. Lots of love to everyone back home and we'll update again soon. Good luck with the play Marthams, it looks awesome.