Monday, 22 April 2013

Train to Paradise (Agonda Beach)....17th-19th April

Our new friend from Delhi- Vanek. Was really good to meet you, thanks for all the travel advice. Nasz nowy znajomy z pociagu- Vanek. Dobry towarzysz z niego.

Dluga podroz uprzyjemnialismy gra w karty. Poker, Wist, 21... Cards really help to pass the time.

Jedzonko na kolkach, wszystkie posilki takie same, ale herbatke serwowali wysmienita. Two dinners, three lunches; all exactly the same. Constant supply of fresh tea was awesome.

Zostaje vegeterianinem, nasza kabina.... The fastest eater on the train!

Powoli docieramy do Goa, Ziemia zmienia kolor na czerwony, koniec pustyni. As we got closer to Goa the land turned red.

Kolejny wypad na papieroska.

Beautiful Hana!

I'd stick my head out of an aeroplane if it was a 37 hour flight. Ucieczka z pociagu.... Tylko na chwile, co chwile.

Wreszcie na plazy...

Monkeys and bikes arrived safely on the beach. Time to relax. My i rowery wyladowalismy cali na plazy w Agonda. Widok z naszej altany. Czas na Relaks.

Plaza w Agonda, praktycznie opustoszala. Turysci wyjechali juz, to koncowka sezonu i jest tu bardzo goraco.  Zostalismy bardzo mile przyjeci przez tutejsza ludnosc. Zatrzymalismy sie w Altance na plazy, wynajetej od bardzo milej rodzinki. Zostaniemy tu przez kolejnych kilka dni/tygodni... Jest tu kilka fajnych miejsc ktore chcielibysmy odwiedzic na rowerach, tym samym przyzwyczajic sie do jazdy w ponad 30 stopniach. Dzisiejszy dzien rozgrzewkowy 27.9 km. w gorskim terenie. Mamy tez kilka rozrywek jak np. gra w kryketa (dziwna gra) z dzieciakami z wioski.
Slemy do wszystkich duzo milosci i radosci....
Wiecej z Goa wkrotce.....
As soon as we arrived in Goa we felt safe, welcome and relaxed. No one is trying to sell us anything, nearly all of the tourists have gone home and we are staying with a lovely family with lots of children and bicycles to fix. We've been getting up with the sun to train on our bikes (managed 27.9 km today before the sun got too hot). Hopefully we'll get used to the heat and the hills over the next few weeks before we head off on the big cycle. Playing cricket with the family in the evenings and eating lots of fresh fish and amazing curries. Lots of love to everyone back home and we'll post more photos soon...