Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Road to Leh... W drodze do Leh...

Na jednym z wileu przystankow.

Okolo 5000m npm

Bartosz's first encounter with Alonso's antics- ice down the t shirt. Nie ma jak to snieg za  koszulka. Nowy ziom Alonzo.
Due to a collapsed bridge we spent a night at a hill station in Sarchi (thanks for the photo Alex!).  Przymusowe nocowanie w Sarchi kamping, most przed nami sie zawalil.

We met some new Indian friends round a fire, they sang to us and then made us sing and dance for them...great way to keep warm. Dzieki temu poznalismy nowych ludzi, ognisko, spiew i taniec byl dobry na ogrzanie...

The bulldozer that was brought to fix the bridge got a bit stuck. Never fear- half of India is here to help. Spychacz utknol w dziurze, chetnych do pomocy bylo wielu.

Our first driver and the impassable bridge. Pierwszy kierowca- porzegnanie.... Rowny gosc... I rozwalony most.
Swapping over the luggage. Zamiana busikow...

Our new travel buddies- Max, Moses, Alex and Alonso. Thank you for making the journey fun- we couldn't have done it without you.   Znajomi poznani w busie, Dzieki nim mielismy duzo smiechu i zabawy.
Great photo Alex- thank you.

A kto tam sie chowa?

Wild mountain goats. Dzikie stado kozic gorskich.

Lunch stop at Pang. Obiad w Pang.

Najwyrzsza przelecz na naszej drodze, droga co do wysokosci  na swiecie... Second highest pass in the world.

Bartosz trying to light a cigarette at over 5000m. Przerwa na papieroska, zapalniczka ledwo co dala rade....

Polowa ludzi cierpila na chorobe wysokosciowa, nie dali skonczyc fajki....  A very short stop due to half the bus feeling extremely sick from altitude.

Teraz juz tylko w dol. It's all downhill from here.

The new bus had three less seats- we all did our time on the floor. Nowy bus mial miej siedzen, na zmiane, na podlodze.

Co jakis kawalek, ciekawe hasla...

Petrol station; a great team effort. Stacja benzynowa, karzdy chcial byc przydatny.....

We arrived safely and called everyone to let them know. Wreszcie w Leh, dzwonimy do rodzicow , ze zyjemy...

First day in Leh. Pierwszy dzien w Leh.

Bob and Alex.

The beginning of a beautiful friendship. Alonzo moj nowy ziom, i poczatek naszej przyjazni.

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