Saturday, 22 June 2013


Kala Jadoo, AKA The Box. The best coffee in town served by Bartosz's friend Marta. Znajoma z Londynu Marta, prowadzi tu bar "Kala Jadu"(czarna magia) nazywanym tez The box (pudelko) .Najlepsza kawa we wiosce.

Marta hard at work. I nie ma lipy, to ciezka praca.

Breakfast stop on the way to Triund. The horses carry heavy loads up and down the hill all day. Sniadanie w drodze na Triund. Te koniki obladowane byly ciezkimi worami z piaskiem.

Greyt views on the way up. Widoki byly niesamowite.Tu chmury monsunowe zatrzymuja sie na Himalajach, powodujac w tym rejonie najwieksze opady w calych indiach, a drugie co do obfitosci w swiecie.

Mowili, ze droga jest trudna, to zalozylem klapki... I tak wyprzedzilismy wszystkich (mowili 4godz. do szczytu, my zrobilismy w dwie)


Walniem kawke i papieroska.... Ma sie wypogodzic pod wieczor, ale my wracamy.

Izraelscy jezdzcy, mozna tez wynajac konika i przewodnika.

It was a hard climb.

A little goat farm perched on the edge. There's a baby goat under the yellow plastic and I'm not sure if he was cooking it or just keeping it warm. Chodowla koz tuz nad urwiskiem. Mezczyzna schowal mala kozke pod zulty plastik, nie wiemy tylko czy chcial ja ogrzac, czy zjesc...

Explorer Wilson.

Captain Swieton. They told us the trek was difficult, so Bartosz wore his flip flops. They told us it would take four hours, so Bartosz made us do it in two.

Sunrise over Dharamkot. Wschod slonca w Dharmakot, poranki prawie codziennie byly bezchmurne....

Well done Mummy Wilson for a good OFSTED. You so deserve it and I'm so glad they've been and gone before the summer holidays...finally you can relax (a bit).
Happy Birthday Nanna; we hope you have a lovely day and that the sun shines for you.
We had a great time in Dharamkot. It was really nice for Bartosz to get to speak some Polish and for me to practice, and it was even better to get to know Marta and her new Himalayan family. The trekking was good fun despite the lack of views. All the rain from the South gets stuck here because it can't quite make it over the Himalayas, so it has the second largest amount of rainfall in the world (according to all sources). Please note Dad that we always wear helmets on treks, we just take them off for photographs- you know how image conscious we both are. We are now in Shimla, which is surprisingly calm considering the number of tourists, and a little strange due to all the English colonial architecture. It's cloudy and cool and full of monkeys. Hoping to find Great Great Grandma's school and the elusive monkey temple. Thanks for all the news from back home, we love and miss you all millions.

Dzieki za nowinki.... Jak bym sie wdrapal na te drzewo czeresni to jak szpak bym je ogolocil...
Wyjechalismy juz z Dharamkot i jestesmy w Shimla.
W Dharamkot spotkalismy sie z Marta, znajoma z londynu, dobrze bylo sobie pogadac po polsku, a Zoe mogla sobie tez potrenowac.
Niestety widoki na spacerach nie dopisaly. W ciagu dnia mozna bylo zaobserwowac jak chmury przetaczaja sie w gore po zboczach dolin, gdzie utkna w wyszych partiach himalajskiego muru.Jak juz pisalem ten rejon jest znany z soczystych opadow.
Dotarlismy do Shimla, z kad pochodzi Zoe babcia.To Ciekawe miasto, jest tu sporo budynkow z czasu angielskiego kolonializmu, a malpy sa wszedzie i knuja tu swe malpie biznesy okradajac turystow na ulicy lub pokoje goscinne, zostaw tylko otwarte okno (nas ostrzezono) . Pomimo masy idndyjskich turystow, jest tu bardzo spokojnie. Zatrtzymalismy sie prawie na  samej gorze miasteczka gdzie wjazd samochodow jest zabroniony,  w oddali tylko slychac klaksony... To miejsce jest rowniez otoczone chmurami, no coz, taka pora roku...
Pozdrawiamy wszystkich serdecznie i sciskamy mocno...... 


  1. Obejrzelismy z zaciekawieniem Wasze nowe relacje, a najbardziej cieszymy sie, ze jestescie cali, zdrowi i ze roztropnie wedrujecie. Zyczymy Wam dalszych ciekawych wycieczek, a przede wszystkim bezpiecznych. Pozdrawiamy z calego serca i sciskamy
    mama i tata z babcia

  2. Wow! More amazing adventures! Short message from me till I get to home pc cos this phone keeps jamming. BUT LOVING THE PICTURES!! X

  3. Hi sweethearts lovely to see your continuing adventures...the monkeys, gorilla in the mist and wild yaks....I'm not surprised at all that they're wild, you would be too if you had to carry all that stuff up and down mountains all day...I like the sound of explorer wilson, got a ring to it. I could give you special dispensation to change from your cycle helmet which has served you so well so far to an explorers helmet (on second thoughtspeople will probably take the pith out of you).Love the cafe, particularly the serving hatch, obviously used the same builder that made my first roof! Just been to the festival of education (The Hay on Wye of Education) at Wellington college, apart from me speaking...there were countless others including Russel Kane, Katy Price, Lord Adonis and Michael Gove....didn't get chance to ask my question ("How DO you sleep....but got a quote for all my future presentations. He was asked what he thought about Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning.......and he clearly has no idea what that is...he waffled"Yes,yes of course that kind of stuff is all well and good if they're stopping them from learning but schools are first and foremost academic institutions" Bastard.I quoted him on a slide in my presentation to unanimous jeers. You do know that I quote my outstanding daughter's teaching one a daily basis don'tcha , yesterday a queen Mary lecturer spoke...History...Toby or Tristram or some other t...pot name. Only a few days work left then Spain on 9th july and Scotland to see you know who. In London again today and missing you as I always do....cant get card tomorrow but I will v.soon,I promise. You're both looking so healthy and happy on your adventures ... I'm so pleased for you both my does feel great that we can all share your experiences .....thank you so much for that you millions daddy xxx

  4. Halo! :)
    Fajnie, że cały czas macie inny obraz Himalajów.


    My w piątek zawozimy Polę do Poznania i stamtąd razem z Anią, Mamą i Kacprem jedzie do Grudziądza na wakacje :)
    Będzie tam razem z Kacprem 2 tygodnie :)

    Później zaczynamy urlop i jedziemy do Grudziądza. Chcemy z Anią i Kacprem wyskoczyć razem na tydzień nad morze.
    Jeszcze trochę :)

    Uważajcie na małpie gangi :)

    Pozdrowionka! :)


  5. Dobrze, ze oddaliliscie sie od granicy Pakistanu. Wojtek z tata wspinaja sie na gore, ale maja trudne warunki i problemy zoladkowe. Na jedna z grup wspinaczy byl napad i zastrzelono wspinaczy. Nie bylo wsrod nich Polakow, ktorzy zdazyli wyjsc wczesniej z bazy. Kilka dni wczesniej brat Wojtka pisal , ze na ich oboz zeszla lawina, ale nikomu nic sie nie stalo. Jak bede wiecej wiedziec, to podam Wam aktualne wiadomosci. Trzymamy kciuki za powodzenie Flakow. Kochamy Was.
    mama i tata

  6. Hej!
    U nas niedobre wieści, ale zapewne już wiecie. W piątek przykra uroczystość. No cóż,taki świat... więc korzystajcie z życia ile się da:))).
    Rzuciłam okiem na Wasze zdjęcia. Cudne!
    Flaki są już bezpieczne. Ten teren okazał się cholernie niebezpieczny, a Flaki znane, nawet mamę Flaka pokazali we wiadomościach.

  7. Hey it was really lovely to hear your voice...I did try to reply to your follow up text but it idea why...nanna was really pleased to hear from you and is really excited about you getting to her Mums school.... ..Love Martas box cafe...seems like a real haven from all the mayhem...i.e. goats horses and monkeys etc...Dharamkot seems to be yet another amazing place. Well Bartosz 4 hour treks in two hours wearing flip flops...all that equipment you took with you and actually all you needed was a blanket, swim shorts and flip flops....oh and a cricket bat to play with and bat off love you both...keep trekking and enjoying..hope the steam train was good fun and did not get a flat you both xxxx
    Nannas Mums school is in Sanawar..address lawrence royal school ...near the lower hills...hope you find it....
