Pigs in baskets. Swinki w koszykach. |
The view from our room. Every house has a satellite dish.Widok z naszego pokoju. Kazdy dom ma antene... |
The Plain of Jars. Pole dzbanow. |
Snazzy. |
Bicycle fail. Rowerowa porazka. |
Dragon fruit!!! Owoc smoka!!! |
The biggest problem for Laos now is the unexploded 'bombies' on the ground. They make farming and building extremely dangerous and so have a massive effect on Laos' economy. Families tend to farm together so one explosion often wipes out all the income earners in one go. The unexploded cluster bombs also look a lot like tennis balls so children are frequently maimed or killed when playing. Locals try to collect the shells to make money from the scrap metal and explosives. There's a great charity called MAG that is training and employing the locals in safely destroying unexploded ordnance and have an education programme that visits village schools. Their exhibition centre was really good and we got to watch some films about the war and its effect on Laos and its people. We found it on youtube so you can watch it too; 'Bombies- The Secret War' Najwiekszym problemem laosu na dzien dzisiejszy sa niewybuchy. Dla USA wojna skończyła się w 1973 roku. Dla Laotańczyków jej pokłosie stało się elementem codzienności. Każdego roku tylko w tej prowincji zdarza się około 70 wypadków. W całym kraju niewybuchy zabijają bądź ciężko kaleczą około 250 osób.Codzienne życie obarczone jest niepewnością i strachem. Najbardziej ryzykowne jest oranie pól, kopanie w ziemi i zbieranie pożywienia w lesie. Budowa domu, systemu nawadniania, czy choćby toalety może spowodować tragedię. Drzemiące w ziemi zagrożenie skutecznie zniechęca do powiększania pól uprawnych, a pożywienia nie starcza na cały rok.Od 1994 roku w Laosie działa organizacja pomocy humanitarnej MAG (Mines Advisory Group). Jej głównym celem jest oczyszczanie terenu z niebezpiecznych pozostałości wojennych, tak aby przyczyniać się do rozwoju dotkniętych nimi społeczności na. MAG działa jedynie w dwóch prowincjach Laosu. Na pozostałe obszary brakuje czasu i środków. Przy obecnym tempie prac z wojenną spuścizną borykać się będzie jeszcze kilka następnych pokoleń. Pod tym linkiem mozecie zobaczyc film dokumentalny o tajnej wojnie i jej efektach: Bombies- Tajemna wojna. (niestety w jezyku angielskim). |
The amazing night bus to Vientiane, which was very exciting (at first). Nocny autobus do Vientiane, fajny byl (tylko przez chwilke) w pozycji lezacej brakowalo mi okolo 20cm do wyprostowania. |
Hello truly sturdy travellers..is there any form of transport you have not taken..the two day slow boat trip was something else...I would absolutely love to do something like that...and the pictures of the effects of the monsoon rains and land slides.
ReplyDeleteSo saddening...bombs and clusters of ...families and children still living daily with something that happened over 30 years ago...and really we hear nothing of this in the West...!!!
it looks as though you had the best birthday ever Zoe...one to remember for the rest of your life..You both look so relaxed happy and chilled the whole time....the temples are stunning and Lesley you are so right Buddhism and Buddhas are incredible...Stay safe and keep posting...they are such beautiful photographs and a real cheer up on less than perfect days...Love you
Przerazajce wiesci o Laosie i tych biednych ludziach. I co na to swiat? Silnemu wszystko wolno!!! U nas wakacje dobiegaja konca. Jutro Ania z Kacperkiem wraca do domu i odwozi ciocie Jadzie do Karoliny do Bydgoszczy. Wczoraj mielismy mame i ciocie caly dzien na dzialce, ktora ciocia nazywa rajem. Dzis bylismy na obiadku w Grupie i troche na grzybkach, ktore tatus teraz dusi i smakowicie pachna. Bedzie na kolacje dla wszystkich. Zaczyna sie pora grzybobrania i jak troche popada moze kiedys wyskoczymy na grzybki, chociaz z chodzeniem juz u nas troszke na opak /kolana wysiadaja/. Jest to jednak taka przyjemnosc, ze nie sposob sobie jej odmowic. Kochamy Was nasi Podroznicy i sciskamy z calych sil. Buziaczki, buziaczki, buziaczki.....
ReplyDeleteHej hej! Dopiero dziś spokojnie usiedliśmy na necie, bo laptop nam padł, a stacjonarny bardzo wolno nam chodzi. Zdjęcia świetne! Piękne kolory! U nas Pola dziś była 1 raz w nowym przedszkolu. Było w miarę, zobaczymy jak to pójdzie dalej :)
ReplyDeletePozdrowionka i uściski od nasz wszystkich!
Hello you two. It's taken me days to persuade this reply to go .... so it's fingers crossed it goes this time. I've loved more reports of daring excitements and opportunities for the rest of us to enjoy - vicarious adventure!! Thank you so much. These last posts from already-wanted-to-go-there places are especially fab. My favourites this time are the timeless temples, beautiful, and whacky tuk tuks. And that jar of critters......... hmmmm, hard to know what to say....... but glad of the chance to wonder! Your last images and comments are thought provoking - what a privelege to see and understand so much. Love to you both. Kate. X
ReplyDeletehi sweeethearts....pictures flying thick and fast...it's as if they are happening in real time...what devastating and heart wrenching aftermaths of war you have seen...not easy to forget my loves...cant believe its been six months...we've been missing you and loving you in equal measure and are all looking forward to seeing you soon...time flies when you throw watches....not many pictures of food this section, apart from the dragon fruit and the pigs in a basket...wouldnt be able to fit many of those around a turkey at Christmas eh? Guess you haven't been eating much recently on account of what looks like the worst cases of diarrhoea I've ever seen. Love you millions xxxx daddy
ReplyDeleteHey you two! I've been following you all this time and have been really enjoying seeing the world through your eyes. You both look so well and happy and that makes me feel very happy too. Laos looks amazing. I never made it there when I was travelling Thailand and Malaysia so it's been really good seeing it through your pictures. Also I never knew all those disturbing facts about the war! They are really shocking. Also too - DRAGON FRUIT I ate to my fill of those delicious wonders in Colombia and long to eat them again, and they're so pretty aren't they? Keep drinking it all in having the times of your lives (and stay well) so so SO much love from your old Globe pal Claire xxx