The city of incredible's worth zooming in on some of these photos; the details are amazing. W tym miescie co riksza to inna dekoracja, warto przyblizyc zdiecia by zobaczyc detale... |
Beautiful Bear. |
Siur, siur, siur..... |
Portuguese/ Dutch fortress by the sea. Portugalsko-holenderska forteca w porcie, niestety tylko dwie sciany sie ostaly. |
For Pola. Dla Poli. |
'The Scorpion King'; check out the roof! ''Krol Skorpion''- sprawdzcie dach! |
China Town. |
Sesame seed toffee being cracked with a hammer and chisel. Sezamkowe tofi, by to rozlupac potrzebny jest mlotek i dluto. |
Boom. Egg custards! Ciasteczka!!! |
Otak Otak- Malaysian delicacy of fish and coconut grilled in palm leaves. Otak Otak- Malezyjski przysmak- papka z ryby i kokosa grilowane w lisciu palmowym. |
A moze bryloczek? |
Getting a seat early for the karaoke night. Zoe oczekuje na karaoke. |
After a few nights in some sweaty, beautiful, crazy cities we've decided to head for the hills. We're in KL again tonight and are heading off to the Cameron Highlands tomorrow for some cool air, trekking and a cup of tea. We're glad to hear Europe is having a heat wave, you all deserve it after such a long cold winter; enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Lots and lots of love and kisses to all back home we miss you millions as always.
Po spedzeniu kilku przepoconych dni w kilku goracych, pieknych i troche zwariowanych miastach, zdecydowalismy ruszyc w wyzsze tereny. W tej chwili jestesmy znowu w Kuala Lumpur, skad jutro rano ruszamy odwiedzic Cameron Highlands, by schlodzic sie w gorskim powietrzu, popaletac sie po dzungli i gorach, oraz napic sie tamtejszej herbatki... Milo slyszec, ze pogoda w europie w miare dopisuje, po tak dlugiej zimie wszyscy zasluguja na ciepelko. Slemy duzo milosci i buziakow dla wszystkich...
Now the episodes are coming so thick and fast I can’t keep up!! I thought the market colours were fantastic - there’s nothing like a bit of fluorescent plastic to brighten the place up. So very many sights, especially the local skills with boat mooring – is this a theme in that region? And yes, as per Gary’s comment, the barrier warning sign was very close to my heart – and my recurring nightmares. I really really loved the rickshaws and thanks for the detail tip. I don’t blame you seeking out the wild mountains – maybe there’ll be wild critters – hee hee???I had a really good time with my friend in France. Now me and himself are ensconced and loving this Spanish mountain air. Aren’t we all lucky. Lots of love to both. X
ReplyDeleteAnd there's more! Fab stuff....the mobile phones are rather lovely, four wheels and a smiley face...lovely of Bartosz to pose for pictures while you had your elephant riding lesson..the site of just one tree reminds me of the one and only time I took you for a driving lesson in the coop carpark and you managed to drive into a tree...i didn't even know there were any trees in the coop carpark! He he! ..then another flashback with the wonderful rickshaws though with only.three wheels it officially makes that mpde of transport a rickety shaw....wonderful footwear by the french designer Philipe Phelop....that ship must have been going at a hell of a speed when it hit that building!.....Joke a minute, laugh every half an hour!...don't mind me, I'm just warming up for my two day course on how to be a stand up comedian in Edinburgh (seriously) it could get even worse....Off to Edinburgh on Monday...Marthies already there, technical rehearsal today! Guess you're in the mountains by now enjoying beautiful mountain air ..... brilliant you are keeping us in the picture so well. Everyone is loving it so much, loving you and missing you, big hug for B xxxx love you millions, daddy
ReplyDeleteO nowe wieści:O! Kacper też miał taki telefon - ale niestety nie z promocji i dlatego tylko jeden:). A taka Pani w żółtym koło koła zębatego pozująca do zdjęcia kogoś mi przypomina:).
Dobrze wyglądacie:) u nas nadal upały, nawet dostaliśmy sms z ostrzeżeniem z gminy, że w ten week ma być tu 38 stopni. Tylko nie napisali czy w słońcu, czy w cieniu... więc pogodowo łączymy się z Wami. Może jakąś palmę w przyszłości przed chatą się posadzi, kto wie. Tymczasem nadmuchany jest basen przed domem - taki sam, jak tatowy i Kacpi nurkuje. Robi już niezłe akrobacje w tym jednak niewielkim baseniku np fikołki w wodzie:).
Przesyłamy pozdrowionka dla Waszej kochanej dwójki!