Sunday, 12 May 2013

Z nad morza w gory... From the seaside to the mountains.

Kilka zdiec z Delhi gdzie spedzilismy noc w  drodze w gory. Jak widac elektrycy wiedza co robia.

The Tibetan area  in Delhi we found and enjoyed so much...

Pierogi i zupa, Nepalskie przysmaki... Our first momos (amazing Tibetan dumplings) and Tibetan noodle soup.
Wreszcie w gorach, widoki z naszego nowego domu.... We made it to the mountains; check out the views from our new place.

Nasz nowy wspollokator... Our new flatmate was quickly kicked out (thanks Bartosz) .

Wypieki lokalnej piekarni, najlepsze na gastrofaze..... Macarooooooooons.

OWOCOWY JEZ..... Bartosz is always happy around food.

Jeden ze spacerow po pobliskich wioskach....

Na poczcie.... The post office

Czekamy na lepsza pogode by wyruszyc w wyzsze partie, tam ciagle zalega duzo sniegu .... The Manali-Leh highway. In the background you can see the mountains still have a bit too much snow on to get through some of the passes. We are waiting for some of it to melt before we walk to Leh. Everyone keeps saying two weeks; we'll see.

Pobliskie wioski ....

Indianska kuchnia. Moje ulubione placki chapati... Bartosz learnt how to make chapatis and has since cooked lots of amazing feasts.

Dobre szamanko....

Wycieczka do pobliskich wodospadow....

A dom w ktorym mieszkamy jest gdzies tam ponizej.... If you zoom in you might see a small pink house...that's where we're staying.

Gorna czesc wodospadow zatloczona przez Indianskich Turystow.... The top of the waterfall- a popular destination for Indian school trips.

Na skroty..... The king of shortcuts.

Czaj w przydroznej kawiarni, Ulubione miejsce wypoczynku Rasty ( lokalny pies, ktory dba o bezpieczenstwo turystow na szlaku). Rasta the dog's favourite hangout during the day, a local dog who belongs to everyone. 

W drodze do sklepu.... The way to the shops.

Holy cow it's a lizard.

Nasze ulubione miejsce prowadzone przez lokalna rodzinke, czasamy zatrzymojemy sie tu na wyzerke... One of our favourite places; run by a local family we sometimes stop by for Aloo Tikkis (amazing kind of potato cakes). Yesterday we stopped by just to sit by the fire. 

Czas na kapiel. Laznia z goracymi zrodlami w Vashist. Bath time. The most amazing hot water springs where all the locals go to wash and the tourists come to watch.

Czekamy na zachod slonca.... Enjoying sunset on balcony.

Oto i zachod....


  1. Kochani, dziekujemy za kontakt i piekne fotki z Waszego pobytu w gorach. Cieszymy sie ze mozecie podziwiac te piekne widoki i pewnie wkrotce wedrowac gorskimi szlakami. U nas zmiana planow, bo remont lazienki wykonamy po wymianie rur kanalizacyjnych w naszym pionie budynku, ktora przewidziana jest na lipiec-sierpien. Mamy zatem czas na cieszenie sie wiosną.Sciskamy Was mocno i zalaczamy pozdrowienia od rodzinki i Magdy Grzebieniewskiej ktora, ktora pracuje teraz w banku. Dbajcie o siebie. Kochajacy rodzice. Czekamy na nastepne wiesci.

  2. no i dupa... zniknął mi wpis, a przed chwilą mówiłam na ten temat z mamą.
    Bajos zbieraj fajne vege przepisy:).

    Zazdroszczę Wam wolności i tych pięknych chwil, szczególnie o zachodzie słońca. Cieszę, się, że macie możliwość żyć lokalne życie, a nie życie z folderów wycieczkowych:))) no i mam nadzieję, że macie trochę spokoju...

    Jeśli czegoś by Wam trzeba było, to walcie do mnie:).
    Vege siostra:)

  3. What a treat..I would not let myself look at the photos until I had finished my work.
    I cannot believe how peaceful and calm it looks.
    India is definitely a country of extreme contrasts. The mountains look absolutely awesome and the view from the windows beats rain and mist over Holme Moss. Yep it is raining again-I blame the Folk Festival.
    I do hope the rain stops soon so that you can start going further afield and walk through the passes and up the gorges etc.talking of movement.
    Oli has moved your car up and down the drive today....absolutely fine...Miss you both but so good to see you both happy and relaxed.
    Love you both the most

  4. Hejo:)

    To są właśnie góry :) Trzeba niestety czekać na pogodę. Na szczęście macie czas no i dobrze się zaaklimatyzujecie. Póki co chłońcie kulturę, a jak zejdzie śnieg to na 5000 m. Ciekawe jak tam będzie z tlenem :)

    Trzymajcie się ciepło!



  5. Dear Zoe and Bartosz
    Today I received the most beautiful birthday present ever.
    After a straight 12 and a half hour day without any kind of break I came home to a lilac sewn up package which smelt of bandage and flour...
    This package could have engaged 60 children for at least 24 hours in a good old game of pass the parcel.
    20 minutes later I had fairly carefully removed layer 2 from the exquisitely sewn up bag....only to find an only Zoe could make it parcel tape treat.....another 20 minutes and I had reached the bright sunshiny bag...the printed cloth from Jaipur is beyond-Indian sunshine and animals in the kitchen....I wept when I read your card and looked at the shells ...yes they all survived perfectly in the Indian safety match box. You two are wonderful, bright, beautiful and amazing...keep on shining, loving and laughing...all my love mum xxx

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hello wonderful people love to love you,yes I do.
    Very large parcel arrived to day with a rent in the side but contents-helmets etc seem fine. The wonderful thing is my new neighbour took in the delivery for us and then carried it round when we got is quite heavy...bad back to follow? Anyway so obviously a nice guy really.......told him to expect another!!!! Arrived amazingly quickly methinks...shame DHL are not so efficient at delivering parcels within the UK...usually send mine to a depot in a very tricky to find outskirt of Bradford....!!!!! So looking forward with relish to the next delivery...Thank you for the lovely text! Are we supposed to be putting our life stories on your blog or just comments re your travels...if any of mine offend..please delete or ask me to delete...hope rains clearing so walking can commence. El arcoiris magnifico rule here even on early morning runs..they have to be seen to be believed.. dense full arcs of colours..Anyway bath and hair wash you both mas que nunca xxxx

  8. Hi guys Steve and Marian are going to use my google account to post messages to you too. Love and hugs x
