Saturday, 25 May 2013

Mountain Life...

Pavhan climbed in all by himself. Getting out was the problem. Pavan jest ciekawy wszystkiego, klopoty to jego specjalnosc....

Vadzim at Meena cafe. Znajomy z pociagu Vadzim...

A massoff dog.

Indian chess champion (I reckon only Kacper could beat him!) Partyjka w szachy z lokalnym mistrzem (Kacper by go ogral)

Our new friend Kesang in his shop. Kumpel Kesang - pracuje w lokalnym warzywniaku, wpadamy tu na zakupy i herbatke...

Feeling confident? Jestes pewny siebie?

Spacery po okolicznych wsiach. Kura, kaczka, drob....

Our walk to Shura; which we never found.W poszukiwaniu wioski Siura, niestety mapy ktore sa dostepne nie pokrywaja sie z terenem. Wioski nie znalezlismy, ale spacer byl mily.

But we did find ninjas...

And bee hives; loads of them.

Nala River.

If Bear Grylls had a tractor... 

The way home. Powrot do domu.

Bartosz's new shadow; Rasta. Nasz przyjaciel Rasta, jest moim cieniem.

Kesang and the fastest momo eater in town. Pierogi w pobliskim barze mlecznym mmmmmmmmm... juz zjedzone he he he

Na wyciagu w dolinie Solang.

Solang Valley cable car was great, apart from a twenty minute power cut half way up.   W Polowie drogi wagoniki stanely na dwadziescia minut, a my bujalismy sie na wietrze.

Decided to try and climb to the top. No to jeszcze troche wyzej ....

Made it!

If that's what you're into... W wesolym miasteczku, Strzelnica.

Every bus driver gets his own personal army of back seat drivers. What's happening ahead? A co tam sie stalo? 
Na kazdym przewezszeniu napiecie w autobusie wzrasta....

Bartosz's new hat. Dorobili mi czapke....

Lots of Indian tourists like to have their photo taken with these guys. Somewhere out there are thousands of photos of terrified children and massive rabbits with red eyes. Indianscy turysci lubia robic sobie fotki z krolikami, i gdzies tam sa tysiace zdjec przestraszonych dzieci z wielkim, czerwonookim krolikiem.
Vashist Village. Wioska Vashist.
We've had such a good time here in Vashist and the surrounding hills, waterfalls and valleys. Have met some lovely people and seen some amazing landscapes. The weather is getting much warmer and it has only rained once this week. The walking is great but the maps are very rarely right, looks like we'll have to take a guide if we take a longer trek. There's a rumour that the road to Leh is now open but no one seems to be a hundred percent sure. We've decided to wait until the beginning of June to set off North anyway as the road will be much safer after another couple of weeks of sunshine. We will let you know when we do set off as we will be out of touch for a while I think. Still have plans to visit Dharmshala and Shimla on our way out of Himachal Pradesh. We are both well and happy and looking after each other.
Happy holidays to all those of you who teach. Well done Kacper on your chess tournament; you are super clever. Well done Marthie for finishing University and good luck with all your productions :) Thank you Kate for all the trekking, festival and Ladakh advice; you're making us very excited! Thanks mum for sorting out my student loan stuff and I'm glad they who should not be named haven't visited yet; although I hope they come before the summer hols. Massive love, hugs and kisses to all our families and friends. Hope you are all well and happy and we miss you all.

Od kilku tygodni delektujemy sie w dolinie Kulu, okolice Manali. Spedzamy czas na krodkich trekingach po okolicach, wdrapujac sie na pagorki, odwiedzajac wioski, poznajemy okoliczna ludnosc i obyczaje,. Niestety mapy ktore sa dostepne nie za bardzo zgadzaja sie z rzeczywistoscia , dla tego tez nie planujemy tu wiekszych trekingow. Niebawem (jak puszcza sniegi w wyrzszych partiach) wyruszymy w okolice miejscowosci Leh.
Gratulacje dla Kacpra za szachowe osiagniecia i zyczymy powodzenia...
Wielkie usciski i calusy dla wszystkich.


Monday, 20 May 2013

Happy Birthday Ted and Stik Class made my day.

 Happy Birthday beautiful Martha Rose :) 21 is well old. I miss you and can't wait to see you over this side of the world.

Any kind of posts/ comments are very welcome and lovely lovely to read so don't hold back :) Thank you for all your messages it's great to hear about life back home. We miss and love you all tonnes. Today I managed to call the kids (and adults) at school and it made my day, so thank you Stik class; you are as always awesome magnificent and amazing and I miss you all very much. You sound very grown up and I'm glad to hear you're taking care of the adults. I heard Spiderman hamster went to Ireland to get married? Maybe he'll stay there with his new family. He might come back but I guess he'll look a bit different, that's normal. I'll let you know if he turns up here.


Sunday, 12 May 2013

Z nad morza w gory... From the seaside to the mountains.

Kilka zdiec z Delhi gdzie spedzilismy noc w  drodze w gory. Jak widac elektrycy wiedza co robia.

The Tibetan area  in Delhi we found and enjoyed so much...

Pierogi i zupa, Nepalskie przysmaki... Our first momos (amazing Tibetan dumplings) and Tibetan noodle soup.
Wreszcie w gorach, widoki z naszego nowego domu.... We made it to the mountains; check out the views from our new place.

Nasz nowy wspollokator... Our new flatmate was quickly kicked out (thanks Bartosz) .

Wypieki lokalnej piekarni, najlepsze na gastrofaze..... Macarooooooooons.

OWOCOWY JEZ..... Bartosz is always happy around food.

Jeden ze spacerow po pobliskich wioskach....

Na poczcie.... The post office

Czekamy na lepsza pogode by wyruszyc w wyzsze partie, tam ciagle zalega duzo sniegu .... The Manali-Leh highway. In the background you can see the mountains still have a bit too much snow on to get through some of the passes. We are waiting for some of it to melt before we walk to Leh. Everyone keeps saying two weeks; we'll see.

Pobliskie wioski ....

Indianska kuchnia. Moje ulubione placki chapati... Bartosz learnt how to make chapatis and has since cooked lots of amazing feasts.

Dobre szamanko....

Wycieczka do pobliskich wodospadow....

A dom w ktorym mieszkamy jest gdzies tam ponizej.... If you zoom in you might see a small pink house...that's where we're staying.

Gorna czesc wodospadow zatloczona przez Indianskich Turystow.... The top of the waterfall- a popular destination for Indian school trips.

Na skroty..... The king of shortcuts.

Czaj w przydroznej kawiarni, Ulubione miejsce wypoczynku Rasty ( lokalny pies, ktory dba o bezpieczenstwo turystow na szlaku). Rasta the dog's favourite hangout during the day, a local dog who belongs to everyone. 

W drodze do sklepu.... The way to the shops.

Holy cow it's a lizard.

Nasze ulubione miejsce prowadzone przez lokalna rodzinke, czasamy zatrzymojemy sie tu na wyzerke... One of our favourite places; run by a local family we sometimes stop by for Aloo Tikkis (amazing kind of potato cakes). Yesterday we stopped by just to sit by the fire. 

Czas na kapiel. Laznia z goracymi zrodlami w Vashist. Bath time. The most amazing hot water springs where all the locals go to wash and the tourists come to watch.

Czekamy na zachod slonca.... Enjoying sunset on balcony.

Oto i zachod....